2024 Casglu Data / 2024 Data Collection

School Health Research Network

Ym mis Mehefin 2024, bydd pob ysgol gynradd brif ffrwd yng Nghymru yn derbyn gwahoddiad gan SHRN i gofrestru ar gyfer casglu data SHRN 2024.

In June 2024, all mainstream primary schools in Wales will receive an invite from SHRN to register for the 2024 SHRN data collection.

Mae’r weminar hon am ddim yn gyfle i ddarganfod mwy am SHRN, gan gynnwys sut i gymryd rhan yng nghasgliad data 2024 a manteision ymuno â SHRN. Bydd cyfle hefyd i ofyn cwestiynau.

Dydd Mawrth 11 Mehefin 2024, 3.45 pm i 4.20 pm.

Cliciwch yma i archebu eich lle.

This free webinar is an opportunity to find out more about SHRN, including how to take part in the 2024 data collection and the benefits of joining SHRN. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

Tuesday 11 June 2024, 3.45 pm to 4.20 pm.

Click here to book your place.

Dysgwch fwy am y Rhwydwaith, buddion cymryd rhan yng nghasgliad data 2024 i’ch ysgol, a sut gallwch ymuno â’n rhwydwaith bywiog. Darllenwch fwy…

Find out more about SHRN, the benefits for your school in taking part in the 2024 data collection, and how you can join our vibrant network. Read more…

Yn yr astudiaethau achos hyn, mae ysgolion yn rhannu eu profiadau o gymryd rhan yn y Rhwydwaith a sut gwnaeth eu canlyniadau o’r arolwg alluogi iddynt ddathlu eu cryfderau a gweithio ar heriau. Darllenwch ragor…

In these case studies, schools share their experiences of taking part in SHRN and how their survey results allowed them to celebrate their strengths and work on challenges. Read more…