Effaith Ranbarthol

Rhyddhawyd Adroddiadau Iechyd a Llesiant Myfyrwyr lefel awdurdod lleol am y tro cyntaf yn hydref 2018, o ganlyniad i alw lleol am ddata SHRN. Mae’r adroddiadau hyn wedi cael eu rhannu ymysg timau gwasanaeth iechyd ac addysg leol.

Gallwch lawrlwytho esiampl Adroddiad Awdurdod Lleol yma:

Mae’r rhwydwaith yn annog cyrff ac ysgolion awdurdodau lleol i gydweithio er mwyn hyrwyddo amgylcheddau ysgol iach, gan gynnwys cefnogi newidiadau i’r cwricwlwm a chynllunio gweithredu iechyd.

Mae’r rhwydwaith yn annog cyd-lunwyr ysgolion iach lleol i gyfrannu at weminarau tymhorol ac i fynychu digwyddiadau rhwydwaith bob haf er mwyn atgyfnerthu eu cymorth seiliedig ar dystiolaeth i ysgolion.

Dyma ddyfyniad o adroddiad Estyn ar Gyngon Dinas Casnewydd:

“Local authority officers recognise the need to understand and address the mental health of children and young people. For instance, educational psychologists have used action research to design the ‘Arrow Project’ to support secondary schools in their work in this field. These professionals are working with three schools to help pupils and staff understand mental health issues. Educational psychologists have used data from the national ‘Schools’ Health Research Network’ project to identify and provide beneficial training on pupils’ greatest mental health concerns. For example, they have worked with pupils to improve their sleep routines and address their anxiety over body image through interactive workshops. However, it is too early to judge the impact of this work on improving the mental health of pupils across the local authority.”